This how to helps you to fix the “couldn’t transform value in label because transformationService of type ‘SCALE’ is unavailable” error message.

couldn’t transform value in label because transformationService of type ‘SCALE’ is unavailable
Index Of OpenHAB: couldn’t transform value in label because transformationService of type ‘SCALE’ is unavailable
- Background
- OpenHAB: couldn’t transform value in label because transformationService of type ‘SCALE’ is unavailable
- Additional Information
Background of OpenHAB: couldn’t transform value in label because transformationService of type ‘SCALE’ is unavailable
I use a standard OpenHAB 4 installation. For one of my configurations I am using the scale transformation service, but this turns into the error message in scope of this How To.
My Enviornement:
- Raspberry Pi 4
- OpenHAB 4
- MDT Weather Station
OpenHAB: couldn’t transform value in label because transformationService of type ‘SCALE’ is unavailable
In my case the root cause for this error message was the missing activation of the OpenHAB Feature transformation-scale. To active this, I needed to go to the command line and fix it. It has taken me some time to figure out how to fix this. Therefore, I think it is maybe useful for you to have this step by step guide explaining how you can get this issue fixed.
First step, login into your OpenHAB command line. Assuming your are using openHABian or any other Linux based system, you simply SSH into your OpenHAB server. In case of Windows, you do it obviously via the Windows command line.
Second step, we need to login into the Openhab-cli. To do so we fire the following command:
openhabian@OpenHAB:~ $ sudo openhab-cli console
This will ask you for a username and password. In a standard OpenHAB 4 configuration the username and passwords are:
- username: openhab
- password: habopen
Once logged in, you check, whether the “transformation-scale” is started / installed. This you can do by fire the following command:
feature:list |grep transformation-scale
The output, if you have the error, will most likely be “Uninstalled”.
Next step, to install it fire the below command:
feature:install openhab-transformation-scale
Once done, and if you check agains with the command “feature:list |grep transformation-scale”, than you should find an output like “started”. With this, you are done.
Additional Information
This is how the above description looks in full execution like on my command line:
openhabian@OpenHAB:~ $ sudo openhab-cli console [sudo] password for openhabian: Logging in as openhab Password: _ _ _ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ | | | | / \ | __ ) / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ | |_| | / _ \ | _ \ | (_) | (_) | __/| | | || _ | / ___ \ | |_) ) \___/| __/ \___/|_| |_||_| |_|/_/ \_\|____/ |_| 4.0.4 - Release Build Use '<tab>' for a list of available commands and '[cmd] --help' for help on a specific command. To exit, use '<ctrl-d>' or 'logout'. openhab> feature:list |grep transformation-scale openhab-transformation-scale │ 4.0.4 │ │ Uninstalled │ openhab-addons-4.0.4 │ Scale Transformation openhab> feature:install openhab-transformation-scale openhab>
About OpenHAB
OpenHAB is a fantastic free open source software framework that allows you to do amazing stuff with your home and beyond! To find out how to install OpenHAB (which is very simple) check out the How To Setup a New OpenHAB.
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