
Explore this great repository of Cryptomator how to’s. You will find relevant guidelines, how to’s and tutorials to put a lock on your cloud.

Put A Lock On Your Cloud!

The official website of Cryptomator says that with Cryptomator, the key to your data is in your hands. Cryptomator encrypts your data quickly and easily. Afterwards you upload them protected to your favorite cloud service

Cryptomator is in my opinion an option to secure your data and to increase the privacy in the public cloud. It’s a simply to use tooling, even though, as with every secure solution it makes cloud a little bit more complicated. Cryptomator however does it in a way, in which your usability does not get lost. Furthermore, there is not a lot of training needed to be able to use Cryptomator.

Warning! You should backup all your data before leveraging on Cryptomator. Also, it is your own responsibility to ensure you do not lose the passphrase/password you are using to encrypt your data. IF YOU LOSE IT, YOUR DATA IS MOST LIKELY LOST TOOt! Finally, and this is important in some countries, you need to doublecheck local regulations and whether solutions like Cryptomator that are encrypting data are allowed. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE. If you are not sure of if you do not like to double check, you MUST NOT USE encryption tools such as Cryptomator. To have a more independent view, please also check out Wikipedia that gives you some more neutral information. wiki 

About the How To’s

The how to’s, guidelines and tutorials that you can find in this category provide you generally with instructions and ideas that can be use- or helpful for you to resolve a certain challenge or to improve a certain situation. The how to’s have no right for correctness nor you should use them without thinking about the content. You should even challenge and understand the how to’s in order to ensure appropriate usage for your use case.


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