5 Ways To Find Debian Version

This how to provides you with 5 Ways To Find Debian Version installed. On top, the how to consists of a list of all Debian versions.

5 Ways To Find Debian Version

5 Ways To Find Debian Version

Index Of 5 Ways To Find Debian Version

Background of 5 Ways To Find Debian Version

As with every operating system, there also are various versions of Debian around. If you like to find out which version on your computer is installed, than this How To will help you!

Generally, it’s fair to say that Debian is a popular and influential Linux distribution known for its stability, extensive package repository, and commitment to free software principles.

Each Debian release has a code name (e.g., “Stretch,” “Buster,” “Bookworm”) and a version number (e.g., Debian 9, Debian 10, Debian 12).

Debian versions cater to various use cases, from servers to desktops, and are shaped by a global community of developers and enthusiasts.

5 Ways To Find Debian Version

  1. Use lab_release command
    In this case you simply fire the below command
    lsb_release -a
  2. Check /etc/os-release File
    In this case you simply fire the below command
    cat /etc/os-release
  3. Use hostnamectl command
    In this case you simply fire the below command
  4. Check /etc/issue
    In this case you simply fire the below command
    cat /etc/issue
  5. In case you installed the GUI, check “System Settings”
    – Start system “Settings”
    – Click on the left sidebar the tab “About”

Additional Information

List of Debian Versions






Testing Phase

Current stable release

11BullseyeOldstable (LTS)
10BusterOldoldstable (LTS)
9StretchArchived (Extended LTS)
8JessieArchived (Extended LTS)
3.0WoodyEarlier stable release
2.2PotatoClassic stable release
2.1SlinkOlder stable release
2.0HammEarly stable release

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