This how to may be helps you to fix Apple Watch Black Screen After Running, e.g. if it remains black or looks like being off after you have been running in the rain.

Apple Watch Black Screen After Running
Index Of How To Apple Watch Black Screen After Rainfall
I did it again, I managed to get my Apple Watch Display to a black screen with only very short flashing if I for example put it for battery charging. However, given my earlier experience after swimming in the sea, I had a good idea of how I can make my Apple Watch working again!
If you are interested into my experience with swimming in the sea and how I fixed the Apple Watch, then please check out this post: “Apple Watch Display not Working“. In this post, I am focusing on getting it work again, after running in the rain. Both ways however were similar and turned into the same result.
Basically, what happened is that my Apple Watch Display did stop work about 2-3 hours after I have been running outside in the rain. Whenever i raised my wrist, then i saw the display just quickly flashing a white/yellow color and this was it. The display remained black or off, whilst i saw the Apple Watch on my iPhone fully working. This kind of indicated to me, that the Apple Watch still was fully operative, whilst the display seems to have an issue.
I searched the internet, i looked for How To’s and tried all the stuff, but there was only one thing that did helped me: Patience!
How To Fix Apple Watch Black Screen After Running
To be honest, finding the solution was based on all the stuff that i read in the internet, but i could not find a description of what helped in my case. I was assuming, that there must have been some water in my watch, or at least it must have been some sort of wet inside my watch. Therefore, i decided to keep the watch on the charging station. This because I observed, that the Apple Watch gets hot if it is a long time charing. Based on my previous experience, I kept it as much as possible charging, whilst wearing it normally during the day. Six days later, after doing nothing, the display worked again. It was like magic!

Apple Watch Working Again!
My Apple Watch most likely has an issue with water and is not water proof anymore. However, it seems I found a way to fix the issue and making the watch “healing” itself. It requires some patience and it may turns into losing some data by not being able to track. However, overall it saves money by not immediately buying a new watch which potentially protects also better the planet due to less electronic waste.
This how to maybe works for you too. I of course recommend you to give it at least a try. If it works for you too, great!
Additional Information
- Check out the How To Fix Apple Watch Display not Working chapter, as this potentially could help you too.
- Additionally, you can check out this post “Apple Watch Display not Working“
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