Difference Between PartUUID and UUID

This how to helps you to learn the difference between PartUUID and UUID which both play an important role!

Difference Between PartUUID and UUID

Difference Between PartUUID and UUID

Index Difference Between PartUUID and UUID

Background for the Difference Between PartUUID and UUID

Unique identifiers play a pivotal role. Whether you’re configuring your system, automounting drives, or troubleshooting, understanding these identifiers is essential.

Let’s start by introducing our key players:

UUID (Universally Unique Identifier)


A UUID is a globally unique identifier assigned to a storage device or partition. It’s generated based on various factors such as time, hardware, and randomness.


Filesystem-Level: A UUID is associated with the filesystem inside a partition. It’s retrieved from the filesystem metadata.
Uniqueness: UUIDs are guaranteed to be unique across the entire universe (yes, really!). Collisions are astronomically unlikely.
Usage: Mounting: When you mount a partition, you often use its UUID in /etc/fstab to ensure consistent mounting across reboots.
Device Identification: UUIDs help uniquely identify devices, even if their partitions change or are reformatted.

PARTUUID (Partition Table UUID)


A PARTUUID is a partition-table-level UUID. It’s specific to a partition within a storage device.


Local Uniqueness: PARTUUIDs are meant to be unique within a specific context (e.g., a disk). However, collisions can occur between known PARTUUIDs.
Shorter Representation: Unlike UUIDs, PARTUUIDs are shorter and easier to manage.
Usage: Partition Identification: PARTUUIDs are used to uniquely identify partitions within a disk.
GPT-Partitioned Disks: They are a standard feature for all partitions on disks using the GUID Partition Table (GPT).

Difference Between UUID and PARTUUID


Use UUIDs when you want a globally unique identifier for a device or partition.
If you frequently reformat partitions and need the identifier to remain consistent, UUIDs are your choice.


Use PARTUUIDs when you want to identify a partition regardless of its content.
They remain unchanged even if you format the partition to a different filesystem.

Additional Information

Remember, both UUIDs and PARTUUIDs are essential tools for managing storage in the Linux world. Whether you’re configuring /etc/fstab, automounting, or troubleshooting, understanding their differences ensures smoother operations.

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