You learn with this How To Open An Existing Cryptomator Vault On Mac opening a for your for privacy or security reasons by Cryptomator protected data. You will learn how to open by Cryptomator protected data.
- Background
- How To Open An Existing Cryptomator Vault On Mac
- About How To Open An Existing Cryptomator Vault On Mac
Since there are various reasons that like you to speak for or against encrypting data that is stored in the cloud, we do not debate this here. However, the most common concerns that speak for data encryption are on your privacy and that your cloud drive potentially is exposed to the cyber risk. Additionally, I hear often concerns about data being stored in a foreign country. You like to keep in mind that a different legal environment potentially allows authorities in other countries to do things which maybe you do not like.
This How To Create An iCloud Cryptomator Vault On A Mac assumes that you have installed the Cyptomator App already. It also assumes that you have either a MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, iMac, Mac mini, Mac Studio or a Mac Pro. If you do not have one of these, the how to maybe works for you too or some steps maybe are different on your system.
How To Open An Existing Cryptomator Vault On Mac
You will learn how simple it is to connect to an existing Cryptomator drive, leveraging on the Cyptomator Appon a Mac. Since pictures help you to understand, the below picture shows you the key 6 steps in a more graphical manner.
To start, open the Cryptomator App. Once done, follow the below 6 steps. You also can find the 6 steps in a more graphical manner in the below picture:
- You like to click on “+Add Vault”
- Select “Open Existing Vault”
- You now get shown a little guidance how you can open an existing Vault. Simply hit “Choose…”
- Cryptomator App displays now the Finder view. Select on the left hand site your “iCloude Drive” and within that you select the relevant folder of your Vault that you like to open (in this case “My New Vault”. Finally, you select the masterkey.cryptomator file
- You get asked by the Cryptomator App if you like to unlock the Vault now. Unlocking it now allows to immediately access it. For this reason and in this how to was of course say we would like to unlock
- No surprise, before you can unlock you need to enter the password for your Vault. Of course you do so and Cryptomator App will open the Finder with your opened Vault.

How To Secure Data In iCloud – Open An Existing Vault
About How To Open An Existing Cryptomator Vault On Mac
With this How To Open An Existing Cryptomator Vault On Mac you have a short version in your hand. If you like to go thru a more extended version, click on How To Secure Data In iCloud only focusing on creating a Vault.