This how to helps you to install Sweet Home 3D on Raspberry. It’s actually quite simple, but you maybe need to previously install Java. Anyway, there are only a couple of easy steps to be done.

How To Install Sweet Home 3D on Raspberry
Index of Install Sweet Home 3D on Raspberry
Sweet Home 3D is a free interior design application that helps you to place your furniture in a house. It uses 2D plans with 3D previews. Its an amazing software!
The software is for free and it can be downloaded in the internet for Linux.
For this how to I am leveraging on a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ with 1024 Memory. It has installed a standard raspian installation with Desktop.
Install Install Sweet Home 3D on Raspberry
Install Java
In order to get Sweet Home 3D run, we need to have a running java available. To install Java we execute the following commands in a terminal window:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade sudo apt install default-jdk
The installation might take a while, but you can monitor in the terminal window how it is progressing.
Install and Download Sweet Home 3D
We would like to download the software from the internet. For this, we select the Linux version. The file most likely will be stored in the Download folder of your Raspberry Pi user. Depending on your internet connection, this takes a couple of seconds or minutes.
Once you successfully downloaded the Sweet Home 3D, then you open the file explorer of your Raspberry Pi. As written above, most likely you will find in the download folder the software package that you downloaded.

Sweet Home 3D Download
Now, you simply double click the SweetHome icon. This will turn into the Archiver opening and showing you files and folders, as in the below picture.

SweetHome3D Archive
Click on “Action” and then “Extract”. This will open a new window. Select the folder into which you like to extract Sweet Home 3D. In my case I extracted it into the home folder of my user, hence /home/pi. This will take a couple of seconds until it’s done. After it’s done, a new folder is created called “SweetHome3D-version” in the users home (/home/pi). In my case its

Extract Files
Open the File explorer and run Sweet Home 3D. You maybe also like to create a desktop icon, which makes it easier for you to run it in the future.
Additional Information
There is an alternative to Sweet Home 3D. It is Room Arranger. You maybe like to check out this as well.
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