This simple How To Install GIMP on Raspberry helps you to get this in very easy steps done. You will be surprised how easy it is!

How To Install GIMP on Raspberry
Index of How To Install GIMP on Raspberry
Gimp stands for GNU Image Manipulation Program and it is available across many platforms, including Mac, Windows and of course Linux. Gimp can be run on a Raspberry Pi which is fantastic!
The software is free and if you like to, you even can change its source code whilst distributing changes you have made.
GIMP helps you if you for example are a graphic designer, photographer, illustrator, scientist, or simply interested into manipulate images and photos.
Finally, there are many 3rd party plugins for GIMP available which makes it a fantastic software with amazing options.
This how to leverages on the following environment:
- Raspberry Pi 3 B+
- Standard raspian installation, made via the Raspberry Imager
How To Install GIMP on Raspberry
The installation is very easy! Simply click the Raspberry in your Raspberry Desktop and select
- Preferences
- Add / Remove Software
- Once the “Add / Remove Software” window is open, you enter “GIMP” into the search field and run the search
- Once the search is complete, simply click on “GNU Image Manipulation Program” and hit “Apply” as shown in the below picture
Software Installation
- Depending on your internet connection it takes a couple of seconds or minutes until the installation is complete. Once done, you click again on the Raspberry icon in your Raspberry Pi Desktop. Now you will find a new icon called “GNU Image Manipulation Program”. Click it!
GNU Image Manipulation Program
- After you clicked it, you will be able to work in the GIMP platform. Enjoy!
Additional Information
There are plenty of sources in the internet for GIMP. You maybe like to check out the following:
- Gimp Official webpage
- Gimp Tutorials
- Background about GIMP (Wiki)